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Location: Colorado, United States

I've found a place to be, here in Colorado. I am enjoying what comes my way while writing my head off in this crazy, chaotic life.

Monday, May 29, 2006

A new chapter

Six pages of chapter 11, and a plot that has untangled itself. It's really annoying when you get stuck on a bit you know is important, but just isn't working. Then, you turn it around and bammo, it makes sense, and not only makes sense, will tie in two other plot lines.

Go me.

The rewrite is soooo going to be a bitch though.

Still, only 9 to 10 more to go....

After this one, I'm either going to give up and go romance, or try my hand at something a bit more introspective. It honestly depends on which outline is the most complete and which idea has the most notes.

On a depressing note, classes start this week. More time away from writing. Great. Just what I needed.


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